Welcome Parents!
As a parent or guardian of a student at the Salk School of Science, you are automatically a member of our Parents' Association. Take a look around and learn how you can be an active part of our community and help to support our school for the benefit of all our children!
The Salk PA is a registered 501(c)(3) organization with Tax ID 41-2064335.
معدل التكرار
مرة واØدة
Donate to Direct Appeal
Support Salk with a one-time or recurring monthly donation to our Direct Appeal.
Funds raised allow us to support our school in many ways, from professional development and technology enhancement, to enrichment programs and community building events. Donations are voluntary and no amount is too small.
If you prefer to donate by check, please make out your check to
"Friends of the Salk School of Science" and mail to:
Salk School of Science
Attn: Parents' Association
320 East 20th Street
New York, NY 10003
Double your donation with a matching gift from your employer!
Email employer matching forms to salkpatreasurer@salkschool.org.
The Salk PA is a registered 501(c)(3) organization with Tax ID 41-2064335.
Thank you for your generosity!
Parents' Association
All parents and guardians are automatically members of the Parents' Association. Our PA meets monthly and meetings consist of reports from the school administration, updates on upcoming community-building events and fundraisers, and presentations from relevant guest speakers.
Executive Board 2024-25
The PA is governed by an elected Executive Board. Officers for 2024-25 are:
Clare Huston
Anastasia Nyrkovskaya
Natalya Kasatova
Jennifer Stein
Evan Stein
VP Fundraising
Rachel Safferstone
Amy Huey
VP Events
Karina Plotko
6th Grade Reps
Angela Gianforcaro
Luciana Destefano
Suraj Khatwani
Suzanne Zacharias
Wayne Levy
7th Grade Reps
Tunisia Riley
Magdalena Orlicka-So
Lisa Pollack
Noga Rosenthal
Saakshi Khattri
8th Grade Reps
Monika Rais
Rebecca Shore
Charlene Goggin
Lauren Pohl